Summer Flowers

Wow, September 3rd already!  Hard to believe the summer has come and gone.  I haven’t blogged much lately, the summer keeps me too busy to try a lot of new recipes (outside of BBQ!) and I end up spending a lot of time doing yard work.

Just wanted to post a few pics of my flowers this year… things are starting to go to seed now, and what wasn’t destroyed by hail is starting to come back, but it won’t be long before the leaves will fall now, so I am not really putting too much effort into keeping it alive.  Although I will miss the beauty that this city has in the summer, I always look forward to cooler weather!  Must be the Canadian blood 😀

A lot of the flowers I planted this year were from seed… I’m trying to plant more flowers that are lower maintenance and come back year after year.  I don’t mind spending money on annuals but it is heartbreaking to see them destroyed by hail!!!  I love the calendulas and daisies.  And they are tougher than most fragile flowers, so they can handle a light frost!

Happy Fall!